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Stellendetails zu: You are a dentist or dental assistant searching for a job as dental assistant in Germany?

You are a dentist or dental assistant searching for a job as dental assistant in Germany?


Zahnmedizinische/r Fachangestellte/r
You are a dentist or dental assistant searching for a job as dental assistant in Germany?
Dr. Marcel Maßberg Zahnarzt
Neuenbürg, Württembergab 08.10.2024unbefristetvor 17 Tagen


Vergütung: 2400,00

You are a dentist or a dental assitant, who is already living outside of Germany? You want to work in Germany? If you are a dentist with diploma in a country but not yet allowed to work as a dentist in Germany? So you can come to Germany, work in our dental office as a dental assitant, get to know the german dental system and learn German. And after 2 or 3 years you are enabled to pass the test to get your license as a dentist in Germany.

Or you are a dental assistant from abroard and you woukd like to work in Germany?
We really welcome you in Germany!

English would be recommended.

We really would be happy to have you in our team.
